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How do I upgrade my subscription to Lifetime?

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It's easy to subscribe to a lifetime Opal Pro subscription. If you've already started a trial period, you can easily upgrade: you'll just need to cancel your current trial first. Otherwise, if you are already currently paying for Opal Pro (on a weekly, monthly, or annual subscription), you must first cancel your current subscription and then purchase a lifetime subscription to OpalΒ Pro. However, please keep in mind that we won't be able to refund the subscription you've already paid for. To sign-up for a lifetime OpalΒ Pro subscription, take the following steps:

  • Go to ‍
  • Sign into your Opal account with the email/password or Apple sign-in you have previously used in the Opal app
  • Purchase Opal Pro Lifetime
Please note: if you don't remember your login credentials, go to Opal's "Settings" (accessible from the top right corner of your "Profile" tab). There you'll find the email or phone number that you used to sign-up. If you haven't created an account yet within the app, we suggest you do so before signing up for Opal Pro Lifetime.

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