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How can I make Opal foolproof?

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Opal is a powerful tool designed to help you stay focused and productive by managing your screen time and reducing distractions. To make Opal foolproof, you can set up advanced features that will ensure sure you can't cancel, bypass or change the restrictions you put in place. Here are four advanced Opal features to help keep you on track.

Deep Focus

Session difficulty allows you to customize how you want Opal to work during your scheduled Sessions and App Limit. To add a “Session” or “App Limit,” click on the “+” icon in the upper right corner of the “Blocks” tab. When scheduling that Session, select “Deep Focus,” which will not allow you to snooze or end the Session early. It's important to note that the “Deep Focus” feature is only available for Gems who've upgraded to Opal Pro. Please also note, it's only possible to end the Session early in the event of an emergency using the instructions here.

Hard Limit

Session difficulty allows you to customize how you want Opal to work during your “App Lock” Session. To add an “App Lock” Session, click on the “+” icon in the upper right corner of the “Blocks” tab. When scheduling that Session, select “Hard Limit” in the “Difficulty” field, which will not allow you to snooze or end the session early. Please note, it's only possible to end the Session early in the event of an emergency using the instructions here.

Lock Screen Time Access

Locking screen time access will prevent you from disabling Opal during a Session. Follow these steps to enable this feature.

App Uninstall Protection

“App Uninstall Protection” prevents you from uninstalling apps without ending an Opal blocking Session. To enable “App Uninstall Protection,” follow these steps:

  • Open Opal
  • Navigate to Opal “Settings” (accessible from the top right corner of your “Profile” tab)
  • Scroll down to “Blocking Preferences”
  • Toggle “App Uninstall Protection” to the on position
Please note that if you toggle on "App Uninstall Protection," you will not be able to delete apps on your phone while in Session (that includes a running "App Limit" and/or "App Lock"). Instead, they will be moved to your app library when you attempt to delete them. If you want to delete an app, you will need to toggle off "App Uninstall Protection," which you may only do when you are not currently in a Session.

Something going wrong with any of the features above? Let us know!

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With a combination of app restrictions, real time feedback and rewards, you can begin to focus better and accomplish your dreams.

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