We hosted an event in Paris to answer a burning question for many students: how do I get into the French Ivy League?
October 9, 2024
On Saturday September 21 2024, Opal hosted a meeting in Paris between the two top scorers of the HEC entrance exam (#1 business school in France), Solène Gérard and Rayane Hamdane, and future exam candidates. More than 100 students attended the roundtable to benefit from advice, ask questions, and network.
Students attended from the following Prep Schools (Classes Preparatoires) in Paris:
Henry VI
Here's a preview of the event:
To enter the event, students had to scan the Opal QR code, and their apps were blocked for the evening. As we've seen at events before, this lead to high-quality discussions, a warm atmosphere, and a real break before getting back to work.
This event aligns with our mission to empower human to focus better. Students from all over the world use Opal daily to master the art of Focus and make their dreams a reality.
Congratulations to Andréas Ferré Tafoiry and Ugo Coppola for organizing this event, and thank you Solene and Rayane, and all Prépa Students who participated.
May your dreams come true!
We had a special gift for students: an Opal sweatshirt where students could cross out other Prépas and select theirs. These students are natural born competitors.