Ingredients of Focus

Track your screen time, block distractions, unlock rewards - discover what's baked in to the World's Favorite Screen Time app.

Try Opal for free

Block distractions

Take control of your day by blocking the apps, games and websites or your choice, when you need it most.

Block Sessions

Block apps at a specific time of day throughout the week to organize your time.

Focus Difficuties

Make it hard, or make it a bit easier. Deep Focus won't let you cancel or bypass at all.

Mindful Block Screens

Discover quotes, puns and more every time you try to open an app or website you really shoudn't.

Blocklist & Whitelist

Easily pick any app, game or website you want to block or allow during your Blocks.

App Limits

Set daily usage limits on apps and websites to automatically block them and prevent overuse.

App Lock

Create semi-permanent locks on the most distracting apps, allowing limited daily unlocks.

Deep Focus

Need ultimate focus? Deep Focus is the maximum level of protection — you can’t bypass or cancel.

Track your focus

Check your focus level at any point throughout the day. Get a report on your progress every week.

Focus Home

Check your screen time and focus level at any point  easily spotting Focus and Distracted time.


Challenge friends to top the leaderboard, enhancing productivity and keeping each other motivated.

Focus Report

Measure your progress with clear metrics, actionable stats, and benchmark against your peers.


Track your screen time evolution with personalized insights based on your usage patterns.


Focus on Mac

Focus on your "work" screen, too. Block website and apps that distract you at times you need it most.

Block Sessions

Easily pick any app, game or website you want to block or allow during your Blocks.

Block Screens

Discover quotes, puns and more every time you try to open an app or website you really shouldn't.

All Browser, All Apps.

Blocking will work on any browser - like Safari, Chrome or Arc, and all apps installed on your Mac.

More features coming soon!

Focus Gems ®

Unlock precious Milestones

Discover milestones that celebrate every moment of clarity

First Gem
Popular Gem
Committed Gem
Balanced Gem
Devoted Gem
Determined Gem
Unwavering Gem
Loyal Gem
Soulful Gem
Dutiful Gem
Original Gem
Motivated Gem
Skilled Gem
Diligent Gem
Driven Gem
Balanced Gem
Committed Gem
Determined Gem
Devoted Gem
Diligent Gem
Driven Gem
Dutiful Gem
First Gem
Loyal Gem
Motivated Gem
Original Gem
Popular Gem
Skilled Gem
Soulful Gem
Unwavering Gem
Earth Gem
Easter Gem
Holi Gem
Love Gem
Passover Gem
Ramadan Gem
Spring Gem
Summer Gem
Summer Gem
Passover Gem
Easter Gem
Winter Gem
Ramadan Gem
Earth Gem
Holi Gem
Spring Gem

Improve your focus,
find your flow.

Try Opal for free
Supporting top performers around the world
hours saved with Opal